Here you can find a list of data points supported by Soldo.
Name | Description | Example |
Amount | The settled amount of the transaction in the currency of the wallet the transaction is linked to. |
(Format settings can be edited)
Approval status | The approval status of the transaction. Can be either ‘To review’, ‘Denied’, ‘Approved’ or ‘Partially approved’. | Partially approved |
Attachment | Indicates if a transaction receipt has been attached (Yes or No). | Yes |
Attachment link |
A URL to download the transaction receipt. If there is more than one receipt, the URL will only link to the first attachment. This link will expire after 2 weeks. | https://soldo-user-attachments… |
Authorisation date | The date of the transaction in the time zone of the region the account is registered in. |
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Balance (after settlement) | The amount remaining in the wallet after the transaction was settled. |
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Card label | The label given to the card by the card creator. | Project X |
Card name | The name given to the card by the card creator. | Finance team |
Card number | The last 4 digits of the card. | *1234 |
Card type | The type of card. Can be either ‘Plastic’, ‘Virtual’ or ‘Fuel’. | Plastic |
CO2e emissions (kg) | The amount of greenhouse gas emissions generated as a result of the transaction, measured in kilograms (kg). | 0.51 (Format settings can be edited) |
Currency | The official alphabetic (ISO 4217) code of the currency of the wallet. | EUR |
Description |
The name of the merchant where the transaction was made. | Amazon |
User ID | The identification number of the user who made the transaction as defined in the User>Profile section. | 0042 |
Exchange rate | The exchange rate for foreign currency or currency exchange transactions. |
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Expense category | A category to sort or group transactions based on the nature of the expense. If a split transaction is being shown on one line, different expense categories will be separated by a pipe (|). | IT |
Expense category code | A code for the category that sorts or groups transactions based on the nature of the expense. If a split transaction is being shown on one line, different expense category codes will be separated by a pipe (|). | 001 |
Expense type | The type of expense. Can be either ‘Travel and entertainment’, ‘Company’ or ‘Personal’. | Travel and entertainment |
Fee | The fee charged on the transaction in the currency of the wallet the transaction is linked to. Might occur when making a payment in a foreign country, an ATM withdrawal etc. |
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Fixed value | A fixed value that will be displayed on every line of the report. This can also be left blank to create an empty column. | Soldo |
Flag | Indicates if a transaction has been flagged by the user (Yes or No). | No |
Foreign currency | The ISO 4217 alphabetic code of the currency of the merchant if it differs from the currency of the wallet. | AUD |
Foreign currency amount | The settled amount of the transaction in the currency of the merchant if it differs from the currency of the wallet. |
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Fuel price (per litre) | The fuel price per unit. |
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Fuel quantity | The amount of fuel purchased. |
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Fuel type | The type of fuel. Can be either ‘Petrol’, ‘Diesel’, ‘Methane’, ‘LPG’, ‘LNG’, ‘Electric’ or ‘Unknown’. | Petrol |
Group | The name of the group the transaction is linked to. This is automatically assigned, but can be changed in the transaction details. | Finance |
Included in Soldo fuel summary report | Indicates if a transaction has been included in the fuel summary report (Italy only) (Yes or No). | No |
Fuel invoice number | The number of the fuel invoice linked to the transaction (Italy only). | 2023/1234 |
Hotel | The check-in and check-out dates related to the transaction. |
12/09/2024 - 15/09/2024 |
Km/mileage | The km/mileage of the vehicle. | 12345 |
Lists | The name of the item assigned to the transaction from a selected list. If multiple items have been assigned, these will be separated by a pipe (|). | Project X |
Link to details | A direct link to open the transaction details on the Soldo web app. Login credentials will be required. | https://manage.soldo… |
Mandatory details | Indicates if the mandatory details for the transaction have been completed (Completed or Missing). | Completed |
Merchant sub-category | A sub-category automatically assigned by Soldo to every transaction based on the Mastercard classification code. | Service stations |
Merchant category | A category automatically assigned by Soldo to every transaction based on the Mastercard classification code. | Transports |
Net amount | The settled net amount of the transaction in the currency of the wallet the transaction is linked to. |
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Notes | Any additional description or information added by the user. | New laptop charger needed |
Out of policy |
Indicates if a transaction falls outside of the set expense policy (Yes or No). | No |
Out of policy amount | The out of policy amount in the main currency of the account. |
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Payment method | The payment method used to make the transaction. Can be either ‘User card’, ‘Company card’, ‘Temporary virtual card’, ‘Subscription card’, ‘Online Ads card’, ‘Other company payment method’ or ‘Personal payment method’. | Temporary virtual card |
Reviewed by | The name of the user who reviewed the transaction. | Cook Tim |
Row number | A counter for the rows of the report. Starting from 1. | 5 |
Settlement date | The date the payment was finalised, in the time zone of the region the account is registered in. |
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Transaction ID | A unique number to identify the transaction. | 100001109-220215148354015887 |
Transaction sign | + or – depending on whether the transaction is positive or negative according to the format settings defined by the user. | - |
Transaction type | The type of transaction. Can be either ‘Payment’, ‘Cash withdrawal’, ‘Deposit’, ‘Refund’, ‘Soldo financial fee’, ‘Soldo subscription’, ‘Currency exchange’, ‘Deposit reversal’ or ‘Mileage reimbursement. | Payment |
User | The name of the user who made the transaction. | Smith John |
User job title | The job title of the user who made the transaction. | CEO |
Transaction split with | The name of the user the transaction was split with defined on the corresponding line of the report. | Jones Mark |
VAT % | The VAT percentage of the transaction based on the VAT rate assigned by the user. If a split transaction is being shown on one line, different values will be separated by a pipe (|). |
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VAT amount | The VAT amount of the transaction based on the VAT rate assigned by the user. |
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VAT rate | The name of the VAT rate assigned to the transaction by the user. If a split transaction is being shown on one line, different values will be separated by a pipe (|). | Standard rate |
VAT rate code | The code of the VAT rate assigned to the transaction by the user. If a split transaction is being shown on one line, different values will be separated by a pipe (|). | IT-20 |
Vehicle name | The name of the vehicle assigned to the transaction. | Ford |
Vehicle plate | The number plate of the vehicle assigned to the transaction. | AA000BB |
Wallet name | The name of the wallet linked to the transaction. | Finance team wallet |