What is a custom expense review process?
A custom expense review process gives you control over every step an expense has to progress through before its approved.
You can create multi-step expense approval workflows and customise each step to suit to your specific needs. Both employees and approvers can track the status of an expense as it progresses through each step of the approval workflow, improving transparency for everyone involved.
When you configure a custom expense review process in Soldo, you streamline approvals by assigning the right expenses, to the right approvers, at the right time.
How do I configure a custom expense review process?
Only SuperAdmins have the necessary permissions to configure a custom expense review process.
As a SuperAdmin, you can do this when you first set up your expense review process in Soldo. If your review process is already set up, you can configure a custom expense review process by going to the ‘Expense’ section and selecting ‘Configure’.
Then follow these four easy steps:
Step 1: Add details
This is important to identify your custom review process.
Step 2: Choose conditions
Set the conditions each expense needs to meet. If you set more than one condition, the expense will need to meet all of them in order to be included in the review process.
Step 3: Choose the steps
Define the steps to follow to review an expense.
Step 4: Review
Take a moment to check you’re happy with all the information provided to confirm the process.
How does configuring a custom expense review process improve transparency and control?
With a custom expense review process, you can create transparent multi-step approval workflows that give you greater control over expenses. Employees and approvers can effortlessly track the progress of every expense with complete visibility of the entire approval workflow. This includes the completion status of previous steps, current expense status, and upcoming steps.
How many multi-step expense approval workflows can I add to a custom expense review process?
As many as you like! You can add an unlimited number of multi-step approval workflows to your custom expense review process. You can also prioritise your approval workflows so that the conditions related to a higher priority workflow will take precedence over others.
What conditions can I set to determine whether an expense needs multi-step approval?
You can set the conditions an expense needs to meet to be included in a multi-step approval workflow. There are a variety of different conditions you can choose from, including:
- Users
- Payment method (company or user card)
- Wallets (main, company)
- Lists
- Expense type
- Expense category
If you set multiple conditions, an expense will need to meet all of them to be included in the multi-step approval workflow.
Who can approve expenses at each step of a custom expense review process?
Expenses can be approved by a single user or a specific list of users, a designated line manager (set up at the user level), or a specific role (such as SuperAdmin or Admin). This flexibility allows you to assign approvers based on your company hierarchy.
What actions can be taken on expenses at each step of a custom expense review process?
Expenses can be approved, partially approved (with a suggested amount), or declined at each step of a custom expense review process. This allows for efficient decision-making and ensures appropriate handling of expenses.
Can steps in a custom expense review process be automated based on specific conditions?
Yes! You can automate steps in a custom expense review process based on specific conditions, including the value of the transaction, or whether mandatory information has been provided.
Automation options include automatic approval, automatic approval only for in-policy amounts, and automatic decline.
For example, you might customise your expense review process so that transactions of less than £20/€20 are automatically approved at a particular step if the user has attached a receipt.
Is it possible to assign multiple approvers to a single step in a custom expense review process?
Yes, you can assign multiple approvers to a single step in a custom expense review process. If this is the case, only one of the assigned approvers needs to review and approve the expense before it can progress to the next step in the workflow.