If you want to establish spending limits on multiple cards at once, without navigating through each individual card, you can use card rule presets. These are collections of rules that you can configure and then assign or unassign across your cards collectively.
Who can set up card rule presets
To create and manage card rule presets, you need to be a Super admin, Admin, Limited Admin, Leader, or have a custom role with permission to edit card rules.
Which cards can take the rules of a card rule preset
Presets can be assigned to user and company cards, including Google and fuel cards. However, they can’t be assigned to temporary virtual cards, subscription cards, and online ad cards.
How to create a card rule preset
1. In the web app, go to Configure > Bulk card rules in the left-side menu.
2. Click on 'Create preset’.
3. Choose your card rules like security rules and spending limits. If you have cards in various currencies, specify the currency for your preset—meaning the rules will only apply to cards in the same currency.
4. Select the merchant categories where you want to enable your cards to spend. You can skip this step if you’re happy with the default selection set up at your account level.
5. Select the countries where you want to enable your cards to spend. As for above, feel free to skip this step if you’re happy with the default selection.
6. Assign your preset by selecting the cards you want to associate with it. Alternatively, you can skip this step and assign the preset later.
Note: a card can only take the rules of a preset at a time. If you select cards that already have other presets assigned, you’ll need to decide whether you want to overwrite the previous ones or not.
7. Add preset details such as name and description for easy identification.
8.Review your preset configuration and confirm.
Your card rule preset will be created and appear in the section.
How to edit or delete a card rule preset
After creation, you can edit a card rule preset in the Bulk card rules section. Start by clicking on the preset you want to edit. Modify card rules in the Rules tab and add or remove associated cards in the Cards tab.
To edit the name or description of a preset, click on the three dots on the top-right and select Edit details. Make your changes and click Confirm.
To delete a preset, click on the three dots on the top-right and select Delete.
How to assign a preset from an individual card
Besides editing your preset assignment in the dedicated section, you can assign a preset to a specific card directly within the individual card section. Here's how:
1. Go to Cards > [Click on a card] > Rules.
2. Select one of your saved presets under the field Card rule preset.
The preset will be assigned to your card.
Once a preset is assigned, card rules become uneditable. To edit specific card rules, unassign the preset by clicking on Unassign.
How to assign a preset on the mobile app
On the Soldo mobile app, you can assign or unassign a card rule preset to an individual card:
- Log in to the Soldo app.
- Go to Cards > [Tap on a card].
- Tap on Card rule presets.
- Select a saved preset.
Your preset will be assigned to the card.
To unassign a preset and make the rule on the individual card editable again, tap Unassign.
How to assign multiple presets to cards in bulk
We've learned how to assign a single preset to multiple cards, but there’s more: you can assign multiple presets to your cards at once. This may be helpful if you have numerous presets to assign.
To assign multiple presets in bulk:
1. Go to Configure > Bulk card rules.
2. Click on Assign presets in bulk.
3. Click on Download template (.xlsx.).
4. Fill in the template following the instructions provided within the file.
5. Upload the template.
6. Review and confirm.