To start using the cards that you've created, you must first transfer funds to the card's connected wallet. This gives you greater control over user spending by ensuring that the card can only access the funds that you choose to transfer to the wallet.
If you chose "Main Wallet" as a funding source when creating a card, users will be given full access to all of the money in that wallet.
One-off immediate transfer from a Main wallet
These steps will describe how to make a one-off immediate transfer from your Main wallet.
1. From the left-side menu, select Wallets and then select Main wallets.
2. Select the wallet that you want to transfer funds from.
You can only have 1 Main wallet per currency. For example, if your Soldo account has multiple currencies activated, you will find a wallet entry for each of those currencies. If you only have a single currency, you will only find a single Main wallet.
3. Select the Transfers tab.
4. Choose Select destination.
5. Choose the destination for your transfer and then select Confirm.
The destination is where you want to transfer money to. For example, this might be a User in the case of single-user cards, a Company card in the case of multi-user cards or even a Company wallet.
6. Enter the amount that you want to transfer and select Confirm transfer.
The funds will be transferred immediately from the Main wallet to your selected destination.