After making funds available to your cards, you may choose to apply specific limits or rules to further control the spending on the card.
Soldo cards empower individuals or teams to make business payments wherever and whenever they need to. This includes travel and entertainment (T&E) costs, digital advertising, office supplies, and everything in between. You can set bespoke limits, rules and budgets for each card individually, suiting each user, and aligning with your procurement policy.
How to apply card rules
If you are on an Enterprise plan, you can benefit from our bulk card rules feature, enabling you to establish spending limits on multiple cards at once, without navigating through each individual card. You can find out more here.
These steps will describe how to access the card rules section for a specific card, enabling you you to set your desired configuration for the card.
1. From the left-side menu, select Cards.
2. Choose the card that you want to manage.
3. Select the Rules tab.
4. Apply the rules that you want to implement on your chosen card.
Any changes made are implemented immediately giving you complete control of your spending.
What rules are available?
Spending limits
Set monthly, weekly, daily or per transaction spending limits for transactions.
Available on all card types.
Online payments
Enable or disable spending for online purchases made with plastic cards.
Available on plastic card types.
Enable or disable card spend with contactless payment for plastic cards and fuel cards.
Available on plastic card and fuel card types.
Disabling contactless payments will also restrict the use of the card with Apple Pay and Google Pay.
Auto-lock after one transaction
Automatically lock the card after one transaction, preventing further spend until toggled off.
Available on plastic card and virtual card types.
Geo control
Control where cards can be used. You can enable/disable specific countries or even entire geographic regions.
Available on all card types.
Merchant categories
Enable or disable spend with specific merchant types or entire categories based on the services or goods they supply.
Available on all card types.
Cash withdrawals
Control whether users with plastic cards can withdraw cash using Chip and Pin.
Available on plastic card types.
Withdrawal limits
Set monthly, weekly or daily limits for cash withdrawals.
Available on plastic card types.
Only available if cash withdrawals is activated.
Magstripe withdrawals for 24 hours
Control whether users with plastic cards can withdraw cash using the cards magstripe.
Available on plastic card types.
Only available if cash withdrawals is activated.
Pair with a vehicle
Pair a fuel card or plastic card with a specific vehicle to automatically associate the cards activity with a particular vehicle.
Available on plastic card and virtual card types.