After making funds available to your cards, you may choose to apply specific limits or rules to further control the spending on the card.
Soldo cards empower individuals or teams to make business payments wherever and whenever they need to. This includes travel and entertainment (T&E) costs, digital advertising, office supplies, and everything in between. You can set bespoke limits, rules and budgets for each card individually, suiting each user, and aligning with your procurement policy.
How to set card spending limits
If you are on an Enterprise plan, you can benefit from our bulk card rules feature, enabling you to establish spending limits on multiple cards at once, without navigating through each individual card. You can find out more here.
These steps will describe how to set card spending limits and withdrawal limits for your chose card.
Spending limits
1. From the left-side menu, select Cards.
2. Choose the card that you want to manage.
3. Select the Rules tab.
4. Select Set spending limit.
5. Choose the type of limit that you want to select (Monthly, weekly, daily, per transaction).
6. Enter an amount and then select Save.
The spending limit will be applied immediately.
With Soldo, you can apply multiple spending limits. For example, you may choose to set Monthly, weekly, daily and per transaction limits to the same card.
Make changes to a spending limit
If you need to change, disable or delete a spending limit, you can do this by selecting more options.
Withdrawal limits
Withdrawal limits only apply to plastic cards. To set withdrawal limits the Cash withdrawals card rule must be enabled.
1. Enable Cash withdrawals.
2. Select Withdrawal limits.
3. Select Set withdrawal limit.
4. Choose the type of limit that you want to select (Monthly, weekly, daily).
5. Enter an amount and then select Save.
The withdrawal limit will be applied immediately.
With Soldo, you can apply multiple withdrawal. For example, you may choose to set Monthly, weekly and daily limits to the same card.