Before you can use a Company wallet, you will need to transfer funds. Unlike Main wallets, Company wallets can't accept funds from external sources, for example, a bank via bank transfer. With the Soldo web app, you can easily transfer money from another wallet to fund your Company wallet.
How to transfer funds from a Main wallet to a Company wallet
This guide will provide the steps required to transfer funds from a Main wallet to a Company wallet.
1. From the left-side menu select Wallets.
2. Select Main wallets.
3. Choose the wallet that you would like to transfer funds from.
4. Select the Transfers tab.
5. Choose Select destination.
6. Select the Company wallets tab.
7. Choose the wallet that you would like to transfer funds to and then select Confirm.
8. Enter the amount that you would like to transfer.
9. Select Confirm transfer.
The funds will be immediately transferred for your selected Main wallet to your chosen Company wallet.