Permissions aim to help companies manage what users can and can’t do with Soldo. A permission is a set of rules for a 'Role' (i.e. user, manager, etc.) to have in relation to a 'Set of resources’ (wallets, cards, users and groups). To find out more, please click here.
By using a Soldo Premium plan, you can offer a customised access to Soldo. This allows you to specify exactly what they can and can’t do when logged into their account. This comes in handy if the default roles (admin, limited admin, accountant etc) do not exactly meet your needs.
By default, the 'Admin' roles for selected users are to manage the company's money and manage the day-to-day running of Soldo, 'Manager' to see and manage a custom set of resources, 'Accountant' to manage the Xero integration and exports to accounting programs, and 'Employee' for users to manage their own cards and resources.
See more information about the default roles and what they can do here.
Here's how to add a new custom 'role' for Permissions and assign it to a user:
- Login to the web app at
- Click on Configure, then Permissions.
- Select Add role .
- Complete the configuration for your new role and save.
NOTE: To give access to all cards, choose the ‘Admin’ role type. For a subset of cards only, choose ‘Manager’.
How to assign a custom ‘role’ to a user, if viewing all cards:
- Click on Users and select the user you want to assign the permission to.
- Click on Permissions tab
- Enable the Admin toggle and select the role you’ve created.
How to assign a custom ‘role’ to a user, if viewing a subset of cards:
- First, ensure a custom ‘resource set’ has been created. See more information here.
- Click on Users and select the user you want to assign the permission to.
- Click on Permissions tab
- Enable the Manager toggle and select the role you’ve created.
- Under ‘has access to’ select the resource set that you’ve created.
Web and mobile app, how to switch to the custom ‘role’:
By default, when a user logs into the web app they will view their account as ‘employee’ who has access to only their own card.
To select the Manager or Admin role assigned to a user, the user needs to follow the steps below.
Web app:
- Login to the web app at
- Click on your initials at the top right-hand corner.
- Select the role from the drop-down menu.
Mobile app:
- Login to the Soldo mobile app
- Select Account and then switch role
- Select the role from the menu