Set-up a cash ledger (Kassenbuch) on DATEV Unternehmen Online
The Soldo DATEV integration import transactions to your cash ledger online, you can use an already existing one or set-up a new one.
In order to set-up a new cash ledger you can follow this article from DATEV Help Centre: DATEV Unternehmen online: Kassenbuch erfassen
Install DATEV Belegtransfer V. 3.5 or higher on your PC
The DATEV Belegtransfer is the only tool you need to use in order to import the document package (ZIP file) generated by the integration to DATEV. You can download the latest version from here
Additional information regarding DATEV Belegtransfer can be found on the following article from DATEV Help Centre: DATEV Belegtransfer V.5 - Übersicht und Funktionen
Get your DATEV user credentials (DATEV mIDentity, DATEV SmartCard) with the appropriate access rights
In order to set-up a new cash ledger on DATEV Unternehmen Online and import transactions data with DATEV Belegtransfer a set of DATEV user credentials (DATEV mIDentity, DATEV SmartCard) with the appropriate access rights are required.
Get your Soldo user credentials with Super Admin role
To use our DATEV integration, you will be asked to authenticate with your Soldo credentials. Only Super Admin users are allowed to use third party integrations. We recommend that you have your credentials handy when you have to use the integration.